How do I become Catholic? What is the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults?
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops describes the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults as a process in which participants "undergo…conversion as they study the Gospel, profess faith in Jesus and the Catholic Church, and receive the sacraments…The process follows the ancient practice of the Church and was restored by the Second Vatican Council as the normal way adults prepare for baptism."
Likewise, the language used in the process is that of the early Church formation programs. Catechumens are those people who are seeking full initiation into the Catholic Church through all of the Sacraments of Initiation – Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. Candidates are people who have been baptized in a Christian tradition but are seeking initiation into the Catholic Church through Eucharist and Confirmation.
Contact Mary Allison if you are interested or have questions!
All are Welcome!
Christian Initiation is a process of study, exploration, faith-sharing, and faith formation with specific liturgical rites for seekers and inquirers. Seekers and inquirers are non-baptized adults who desire to be fully initiated into the Roman Catholic Church and/or baptized adult Christians who desire full communion in the Roman Catholic Church.
Adults or older children who have not been baptized and desire to join the Church are invited into the ancient celebration of the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults. During this process, which is marked by regular ritual acts, participants are introduced to the liturgy, the teachings, and the life of the Catholic Church.
Adults or older children who were baptized in another Christian denomination prepare in a similar way for the sacraments of Confirmation and the Eucharist during their reception into the Catholic Church.
Christian Initiation is a Journey
The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults is a process that proceeds over weeks and months. It has several steps:
This is the earliest phase in the process; it is also known as the Period of Pre-catechumenate. For some, this period can last decades, for others it lasts a very short time. The formal process of inquiry in our parishes is a meeting with Mary Allison. Here, we answer burning questions and work together to determine when/if you are ready to move into the next stage.
When an individual has decided they are interested in making formal steps to join the Church, they enter into catechesis, or classes. They should be attending Mass regularly.
Individuals decide, by the First Sunday of Advent, whether or not they would like to continue to learning to become Catholic, or to delay their reception into the Church. Those who wish to continue participate in the Rite of Acceptance. At the Rite, they become catechumens and candidates and enter into the period of the Catechumenate. Catechumens and candidates continue to learn about the Church, participate in Mass (not the Eucharist), and are invited to join church activities.
Rite of Election
The Rite of Election usually occurs the 2nd Sunday of Lent. Catechumens and Candidates are chosen to be received by the bishop and the community and to receive the Sacraments of Initiation at Easter. They become the elect.
Sacraments of Initiation
At the Easter Vigil (Holy Saturday), the elect are welcomed into the Church through the Sacraments of Initiation. Those who have been baptized non-Catholics give a Profession of Faith.
This is a time of reflection and celebration after the formal reception into the Catholic Church. Mystagogia means “leading into the mystery” and it is a time to explore the deep mystery of our faith and go forth to help build the reign of God on Earth as new members of the faithful.
After Easter, our new Catholics are called neophytes. They are to spend this year learning more and participating in the wider activities of the church.